What I'd like to discuss here is all about uniform concepts I've
learnt since. And I wanna summarize them.
About uniform continuity
In calculus, there exists a concept called Continuity as
is continuous at
As is seen above,
is somewhere dependent towards
What if we genernalize that idea such that
shall be dependent not to
but to an interval? Just modify the concept as below:
is uniform continuous at interval
And with Lagrange's mean value theorem, we can distinguish
that in an open interval, if every point is derivable and its value is
that function is then uniform continuous.
is derivable in
according to Lagrange's mean value theorem, we can conclude
thus denoting
and we can say
Just let
and then the requirements for uniform continuity are met.
That type of continuity is particularly called Lipschitz
in a prettier writing style
If we combine the limit's symbols with the continuity concept, the
statement can be easily expressed as follows.
The same way the uniform continuity can be as: